
Child’s experience highly influence brain development in early childhood stages.

We believe kids can learn anything from simple physics to advanced rocket science but the way to do that has to be a fun interactive way to encourage their curiosity and fuel their desire to learn

“In today’s technology-driven world, it’s important now more than ever to prepare students for the future. Teaching robotics to young students throughout their schooling can increase their ability to be creative and innovative thinkers and more productive members of society”


Robotics is a production-based learning module. Students have the opportunity to create something tangible and make it perform the actions that they program it to do. Not a lot of fields combine creativity with engineering and technology—robotics does. When students are given the opportunity to create something interactive that they think is cool, their engagement levels increase, and they retain more information. You might be surprised at the things kids can create when given the right information and tools.

Learn the programming basics easily and playfully.

Early simple Machine:

Kids will be provided ideal opportunities to develop an understanding of science concepts through investigation and hands-on activities.

Simple Machine:

Kids will be provided ideal opportunities to develop an understanding of the principles of the simple machines through investigation and hands-on activities.

WeDo 1

Kids will learn the fundamentals of Robotics and programming through different LEGO motorized robots, they will build and program different lego models which will help them understand the principles of motion and programing

Story tale :

Kids will use their imagination to create their own stories, build the scenes using Lego pieces and bring them to life with our Wedo robots to present a 3D life moving Model .

WeDo 2

Kids will be provided a facilitated, clear, easy-to-follow journey through life-, physical-, earth- and space sciences, and engineering using computational and logical thinking in a 4 stages thinking process “explore, create, develop and share” with our wedo2 robots

Advanced Mechanics

Kid will learn about the mechanic tools, raw materials, means of transmission, Gears, Belts, and Chains. They will use simulation program to Design and construct simple movement mechanism. Know the different coordinates Horizontal motion


Students will learn the principle concepts of design, programming and robotics through building and programing ev3 robots to complete several missions


Students can start programming with blocks, smoothly move to textual programming, and eventually to advanced object oriented concepts using vex robots”


Explore the world of Microcontrollers! They will learn how to program the Arduino micro controller with C programing language


Computer programming and coding are probably the furthest things from the minds of children, but they are concepts that are becoming increasingly important. Computers are a large part of our daily lives, and their use continues to grow. Programming is an abstract concept that robotics makes understandable and approachable.

Learn the programming basics easily and playfully.

WeDo 1:

Kids will learn the fundamentals of Robotics and programming through different LEGO motorized robots, they will build and program different lego models which will help them understand the principles of motion and programing


Kids will learn how video games are made through a 3D programing Microsoft Platform , they will :

  • build their world : plant trees ,carve rivers , construct buildings and mold mountain
  • Create life : populate your world with characters ,vehicles and opponent
  • Program the rules : decide how players move , score points and win the game or lose


Kids will learn how to use scratch and will be introduced to several programing concepts that will develop their computational thinking skills and help them to use their creativity to explore the magic of technology and design and program their own simple video games

 Advanced scratch:

Students will learn how to build their own video games and will learn about computing and advanced programing techniques that will help them to use the imagination and bring all their ideas to life

Mobile applications:

Students will learn programing and how to create mobile applications using App Inventor developed by MIT


Explore the world of Microcontrollers! They will learn how to program the Arduino micro controller with C programing language

Advanced IOT :

Kids will learn about the Networks , Internet and IOT , and how it affects our everyday life , they will build and program their own innovated project with C programming language

 Arduino communication:

The project integrates advanced astronomy with electronics. Participants will learn how satellites work to transmit voice, image, data, how they are placed on Earth orbit and satellites uses in communications. Each group of students accomplishes two circuits

Science and engineering

Integrating math, science, and engineering concepts in everyday activities enhances cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development, and thus their overall growth. Skills and concepts that children learn while they are young will expand as they gain experience and knowledge over time.

Biology for kids :

Learn about human body parts, face features, fingerprints, breathing, the senses and food groups. Make experiments to explore about heartbeats, sound memory, smell memory, body balance and pulse.

Science Discovery:

Promote kid’s natural passion to science and scientific experiments! Learn about Nature, Physics and Air. The growth of plants, Plants sweat, air pressure, clay absorption, how does the magnifier work, mixture of colors & electrostatic energy! Learn about water, air and chemistry. Air Pressure &air flow, Surface tension, floating and sinking, facts about soap and water. Facts about Water and oil and production gases like carbon dioxide

Math Fun:

Using Lego pieces and cartoon stories, this program introduces basic math concepts to children and allow them to solve mathematical problems enthusiastically. The tool introduces and provides practice in core mathematical competencies such as reasoning, perseverance, precision, modeling, and representation through individual and team problem solving experiences.

Journey to the future :

Introduction to IOT internet of things The project takes kids on a journey to the future to learn about the technology of devices in the future and compare them with devices that we use now.


Kids will learn about electricity and different electronic components and how to build simple electronic circuit


Kid will learn about the mechanic tools, raw materials, means of transmission, Gears, Belts, and Chains. They will use simulation program to Design and construct simple movement mechanism. Know the different coordinates Horizontal motion


Kids will learn the difference between renewable energy and non-renewable energy and the benefits of the solar energy and how can we use it, they will design a car moving with the solar energy


Kids will learn about our Galaxy, space, the day and night phenomena’s and the rotation of the earth around the sun through illustrating models and crafts

 WeDo 2:

Kids will be provided a facilitated, clear, easy-to-follow journey through life-, physical-, earth- and space sciences, and engineering using computational and logical thinking in a 4 stages thinking process “explore, create, develop and share”

Space bricks:

Kids will go to a journey to outer space and explore the galaxies , stars and different physical phenomena’s by constructing and programing different futuristic robots which will be great introduction to physics and astronomy

 ROBO Electronics:

A general introduction to electronics and electronic components and symbols. Measurement tools and how to use them. The different units of measurement using the software simulation and design of some simple circuits and their implementation in practice. Advanced Circuits and integrated circuit.

Advanced Mechanics:

Kid will learn about the mechanic tools, raw materials, means of transmission, Gears, Belts, and Chains. They will use simulation program to Design and construct simple movement mechanism. Know the different coordinates Horizontal motion


In Chemistry track, students will learn the following: Chemistry equipment. Experiment with filtering and separating mixtures, combustion, and electro-chemical reactions. Learn how to work with indicators and stronger acids and bases. Explore elements and compounds, including the chemical and physical properties of water, carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. Discover atoms and molecules. Inspect soaps and household cleaners. Experiment with various foods from the kitchen to learn about sugars, fats, and proteins. Investigate metals such as iron, copper, and aluminum. Learn about how chemistry is used in environmental protection and industry.


The acid that holds the blueprints for life. See genetic material with your own eyes as you isolate the DNA from a tomato in a test tube. Investigate inheritance and learn how traits are passed down from parents to children. Learn about dominant and recessive genes and play inheritance games to determines how traits will be expressed. Learn about the biology of reproduction, the components of cells, and how chromosomes are combined and copied.Assemble a model to see the elegant doublestranded helical structure of DNA. Then crack the genetic code and find out how the different parts, called nucleotides, fit together tocompose it. Learn how scientists use DNAsequencing to reveal the order of nucleotides in DNA.